"An average person with average talents and ambition and average education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals."
- Mary Kay Ash
'Achieving Goal' is not as easy as 'buy from shop' thing. Goals can be in regards with career/ finance/ health/ pleasure/ family etc related.
To accomplish a goal you should involve awareness of 3 key points. They are: awareness of end result, how you are reaching there, what tools you require for that.
Organizing for a goal is serious thing. Once the goal is declared, should stay focused with the progress of the process.
Let us take some time to think: Always you had design or plan for your previous accomplishments (may be unknowingly). Those may be promotion, job oriented tasks, writing a book etc. If unintentionally you had a design for them, why don't you create a design for your future success???
It is advisable to break down the goals into 5-10 ( more or less according the goal) steps.
Monitor the development of each stages.( It will be easy, if you document them for reference).
Self stimulate
Stimulate yourselves.. Tell yourself what changes can happen in your life if the mission is accomplished!!!! Always be self motivated, this will help you to clear the obstacles.
One goal at a time
Though you can carry out more than one small goal at a time, be clear that the big goal should be one at a time . Or else you will confuse yourselves.
Be specific
This is very important.Do not generalise the goal. ' I want to work for some magazine in 1 year' is not a goal. ' I will become a full time reporter in a leading magazine with a high paid salary in 1 year' is a goal.
Focus,Focus, Focus
This is a mantra. There may be million reasons popping up in the span to throw you out from the focus. This is where people leave goals behind and fails. But keep telling: “ I have to do this . This is very important to me”
Monitor the progress
Very significant point . You will never get an idea how far you are in the path of success, if you do not track the progress in intervals. So keep monitoring the activities.
"Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive." Robert Schuller
I think that it is important to be specific with our goals. Your example of writing for a magazine is probably a typical generalization that people make.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder.
That wasn't actually a 'typical generalization' it was aimed at u!!!